
【文化與學習講座】03/06 (四) 陳品豪副教授/台大心理系:Bridging psychology and computational science to uncover the dynamics of interacting minds

【講題】 Bridging psychology and computational science to uncover the dynamics of interacting minds
【講者】 陳品豪 博士

【時間】 03月 06日 (星期四) 下午3:30 - 5:20

陳品豪副教授為美國達特茅斯學院心智與腦科學博士,目前任教於台灣大學心理學系暨研究所。陳副教授的研究專長包含:計算互動心智與腦科學、人工智慧、機器學習、計算社會及情感神經科學、文化神經科學等。陳副教授2024年獲得傑出人才發展基金會所頒發的年輕學者創新獎,亦於2021年獲得國科會的吳大猷先生紀念獎。同時亦曾獲得國科會的 2030跨世代年輕學者方案之國際年輕傑出學者計畫,亦曾獲得科技部的哥倫布計畫。最後,陳副教授發表的期刊論文亦刊登於國際知名學術期刊,如:Nature Human Behavior及Science Advances等期刊。

Understanding the dynamic nature of interacting minds requires an interdisciplinary approach that bridges psychology and computational science. In this talk, I will present three studies that leverage computational methods to explore the dynamics of interacting minds. Study 1 examines how large-scale social stressors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, shape spontaneous emotional expressions. Using pre-trained AI models, we found that individuals in lockdown displayed greater similarity in their facial expressions of sadness, highlighting how external emotional contexts lead to alignments in affective responses. Study 2 explores the role of socially transmitted expectations in clinical settings. We systematically manipulated healthcare providers’ expectations and found that their beliefs directly influenced patients’ pain perception and physiological responses. Our findings highlight the importance of how healthcare providers’ behavior and cognitive mindsets can impact clinical interactions. Study 3 investigates how shared experiences align our perceptions, even among individuals with opposing attitudes. Through a movie co-watching experiment, we found that participants, regardless of their stance on a controversial issue, exhibited aligned character impressions when viewing together. This suggests that shared experiences can bridge differences, fostering collective understanding. Together, these studies demonstrate the power of taking a computational approach in deepening our understanding of interacting minds.
